Visit to the State Archives of Perugia [Teaching and Didactics]


Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini - Restauro volumi rari | Archivio di Stato di perugia (Insegnamento e Didattica)

Notes about the photo gallery

Here is a photo gallery with images from one of the visits organized for the students of the Single Cycle Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage CORLIB in Tor Vergata to the State Archives of Perugia.

Thanks to the availability of the Archives staff, we had the opportunity to view some specimens of their splendid collections in the morning, while in the afternoon we stopped for a while inside the restoration laboratory of the Archives, where the restorers showed us examples of work they did in recovering precious documents.

Finally we had the joy of being invited to assist to a workshop on the technique of leaf casting. learning from the Archive experts how mechanical paper compensation works.

After this experience and after having literally touched original specimens with their hands, the students were able to understand how to make facsimiles, something we then replicated at our own restoration and conservation laboratory once we got back to the Rome Torvergata university laboratory.

A big thank you to everyone who made this interesting learning opportunity possible.

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