Restoration of Historical Edition: Pinocchio Book and Game (1955)

When the restorer also needs to be a puppeteer

Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini - Restauro volumi rari - Pinocchio (Collezione Privata)

Notes about the restoration project

This restoration intervention took me back in time. In fact, it was performed on a very particular artefact, a 1955 edition of Pinocchio. 

The canvas-bound book was contained within a canvas-bound box. Inside the box there were fantastic wooden puppets, the characters of the fairy tale.

Both the volume and the box showed damage from handling, testifying that it had probably been a much used artifact. The box had been the subject of a DIY restoration.

Both elements have been restored with a canvas of the same color as the original. Inside the box, a tray was created to hold the puppets to be placed above the volume, now ready to be used again.

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