Engraving Techniques Workshop with Gruppo Radura in Spoleto


Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini - Laboratorio Incisione Gruppo Radura Spoleto - header

Notes about the collaboration project

For a conservator it is necessary to know very well the artistic techniques and be fully aware of the materials used within the works before being able to intervene on an artifact.

Techniques as well as materials have evolved over time. At the same time, it is important to retrace the history of materials using in engraving, from those used in the past to the most modern ones that are found on the market today.

This is why I always catch the opportunity to closely observe the work of expert artists in engraving, following the creation of their works step by step, from engraving the plates to etching, inking, all the way to the various techniques of using colors.

My contribution within this collaboration project was to offer small insights into the conservation of works of art, and to give advice for a correct assembly and conditioning.

Thank you to all those who shared this experience with me.

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EMAIL: stefania@stefaniazeppieri.com | PEC: stefaniazeppieri@pec.it

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