Antonanium Library Rome: Restoration Rare Books GR. 0403

Restoration of a book with rigid parchment binding

Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini | Biblioteca Antonianum di Roma: Restauro volumi rari GR0403 - Stefania Zeppieri | Conservazione e Restauro Beni Librari, Archivistici, Opere d'Arte su carta e manufatti Affini | Biblioteca Antonianum di Roma: Restauro volumi rari

Notes about the restoration project

The focus of this restoration project was a printed specimen belonging to the collection of the Library of the Pontifical Antonianum Institute in Rome (Rari GR 0403). – Selecti tractatus iuris varii vere aure, Venice 1580.

Rigid parchment binding, broken stitching, papers showing washout damage, gore on all papers, presence of mold on the guard papers, woodworm walkways on all papers. Covered with damage from washout, presence of a thick layer of dirt, diffuse stains of various kinds.

Given the conditions of deterioration of the book, a total restoration was carried out with new stitching on the alumed leather nerves as per original, and covered in rigid parchment as per original. The handwritten title recovered from the original spine was placed on the back of the new cover.

Due to the presence of the traces of the holes of the closure laces on the plates of the original blanket they have been reproduced in aluminum leather in the new blanket. 

This project has been carried out for Coo.Be.C, Cooperativa di Beni Cultural, Spoleto.

State of the artifact before restoration

Details during the restoration operations

Details after the restoration intervention

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